COVID-19 Resources - June 15, 2021
June 15, 2021
As of June 15, 2021 Governor Gavin Newsom terminated the executive orders that put into place the Stay Home Order and the Blueprint for a Safer Economy. He also phased out the vast majority of executive actions put in place since the issuance of Executive Order N-25-20 in March 2020 and leaving a subset of provisions that facilitate the ongoing recovery.
In order to assist members with navigating this issue, below please find links to state and federal information resources. In addition to these resources, we urge our Districts to continually review their own local public health agency's guidance for the most update recommendations.
Governor's Executive Orders
Executive Order N-25-20 and Executive Order N-33-20
Website References
California's website specifically regarding COVID-19
California Department of Public Health
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19
CAL/OSHA COVID-19 Guidance and Resources
Quick Website References
CAL/OSHA - Guidance on Requirements to Protect Workers from Coronavirus
CDPH - State Public Health Officer Order of June 15, 2021
CDPH - Regional Stay At Home Order 12-3-2020
CDPH – COVID-19 Prevention Graphic
CDPH – COVID-19 Alert (Spanish)
CDPH - Guidance for Child Care Providers and Programs
CDC – CDC Main COVID-19 Page
CDC – Guidance for Business & Employers
CDC – How COVID-19 Spreads
CDC – Interim Public Health Recommendations for Fully Vacinated People