CARPD President's Report - December 2023
As I reflect upon the past year, we have had many accomplishments and have much to be thankful for.
Its raining today, a reminder of the abundant rainfall received earlier this year. Hopefully the trend will continue for 2024 as well.
The decision to hire and work with a new lobbyist this year has proven to be very beneficial. While the investment was significant, so too has been the rewards. RPPG has been a vocal advocate for CARPD in a big way. CARPD is now a known entity at the state capitol. Executive Director Mattew Duarte has testified on our behalf and as an expert witness on several occasions. Thanks to RPPG, CARPD is becoming the go-to organization for input on recreation and parks. CARPD is also sought after as a co-sponsor on bills by other organizations that share our vision. This exposure and demand have not happened before. The foundation is being laid for a productive future. Thanks to Legislative Committee Chair, Michael Seaman, for lending his talents and experience.
Tenaya Lodge at Yosemite proved to be a great venue and location for our 2023 annual conference. But wait – there’s more! Conference Chair Brian Danzl is taking us to the Napa Valley for the 2024 conference, so start planning now to attend. In addition to the CARPD activities, the location will enable those interested to participate in the CSDA Leg Days in Sacramento the day(s) before the conference. Our partnership with CSDA has a rich history and we look forward to again supporting them at this event. We are fortunate to have a very active CSDA chapter in Ventura County that allows us to work together on local and statewide issues of concern.
We do not live in uninteresting times! Whether you consider it a blessing or a curse, we are in fact living in very interesting times. The 2024 election season, including some significant ballot initiatives for California, will demand our attention. I’m grateful for a dedicated group of peers serving together on the CARPD Board to help us navigate our collective challenges. Not only do they have their own lives to live, they also serve as a Director or GM of their local park district, and on top of that, carve out more time to serve on the CARPD Board. Please offer your support and thanks when you see them next.
May you all have a very Merry Christmas, a happy holiday season, and a blessed new year.

Doug Nickles,
Conejo Recreation and Park District
President, CARPD