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CARPD Board Elections 2024

The CARPD Board of Directors Election took place on May 23, 2024, during the CARPD General Membership Meeting, at the Conference in Santa Rosa, CA. Thank you to all of the candidates and everyone that participated.

Here are the results:

2024 CARPD Board Elections

President – Elect                        Dean Wetter, Valley-Wide Recreation & Park District

Chied Financial Officer          Al McGreehan, Paradise Recreation and Park District

Director-at-Large                     Two Positions to be Elected:

(Even Year)                                     Dennis Waespi, East Bay Regional Park District

                                                               Rick Sloan, Cordova Recreation & Park District

Administrator Rep                   One Administrator Position to be Elected:

(Even Year)                                     Michelle Lacy, Pleasant Hill Recreation & Park District


The CARPD Board of Directors consist of eleven elected representatives of the CARPD Membership. In this volunteer positions, the Board provides policy direction for the organization in order to fulfill its mission to advocate, educate, and support California’s recreation and park districts. Thank you to all, past and present, that have served our organization!

Group of people taking an oath at a conference, with one man speaking at a podium.
Pictured from left to right: Board Member Rick Sloan, Board Member Dennis Waespi, Administrator Michelle Lacy,  CFO Al McGreehan,  President Elect Dean Wetter, and Past President Doug Nickles
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